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Sexual and Reproduction Health and Rights​

The SRHR program focuses on comprehensive sexuality education, aiming to raise awareness of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). It promotes access to accurate information within the community, specifically targeting adolescents, on SRHR, family planning, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Gender Promotion, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV. 

The program seeks to alleviate fears among adolescents, young adults, and parents by fostering open discussions on SRHR, GBV, and GP. This is facilitated through activities such as playing Ishema Ryanjye cards game and other SRHR-related initiatives


What We Do

  • The SRHR program implements the following strategies:

    • Conducting community outreaches, workshops, and campaigns to enhance awareness of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
    • Providing training and capacity-building to various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Youth-Led Organizations (YLOs) on effective approaches for teaching youths about sexual reproductive health by utilizing SRHR games including Ishema Ryanjye Cards game.
    • Offering access to reliable SRHR information to adolescents in collaborating with secondary schools, Yego centers, and youths’ corners to empower them in taking control of their lives to secure their futures.
    • Engaging adolescents, children, and their parents in discussions and learning sessions about SRHR, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), and gender promotion through SRHR games.

Projects under this program

Ishema Ryanjye Project

The Health Promotion Organization has developed a unique and innovative approach to revolutionize comprehensive sexuality education and SRHR information sharing. This involves a game of cards named “Ishema Ryanjye Cards” that not only facilitates constructive discussions among young peers but also promotes parent-child conversations about adolescent sexual and reproductive life.

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